Sunday, September 4, 2016

My progress training with Hula Hoop

Is Hula Hoop good exercise? For me it has bean a fun and easy workout, I could do it every day for 5-10minutes, and it really worked my abs and at the same time had it really fun.

I have always wanted a ript body, but I never succeeded with that, cardio was very boring and if I lost weight I never lost any bellyfat.

MY progress 

I have been Hula Hooping for some months now, and i can really see the progress. I have lost some punds and I became stronger in my abs and back. Her is a photo that I took a month apart, and you can really see a differens.
I loved to work out with a Hula Hoop and I recommend to buy one yourself, and start training.  LOVE the progress, and how easy it was.

Here is a link to a Hula Hoop that i bought. It was the best Hula Hoop for me that had never used a Hula Hoop for exercise and had the best kvality for the money.

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